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Professional Direction

Dealing with a pandemic has undoubtedly changed the course of our lives. And our plans. Some of us feel more committed than ever and others are considering a completely different professional path. But there’s a whole lot of options in between these two extremes. Here we’ll share how to take a long-term view of your career, how to figure out what’s right for you, and how all nurses can find more ways to contribute to the industry as a whole.


Nursing student, visual artist and health advocate Eduardo V. examines how culture can improve health for immigrant LGBTQIA+ communities.

SHIFT Talker Spotlight — Eduardo V.

15 min read

Whitney Fear shares her experiences as an Indigenous person growing up on a reservation—and her culturally sensitive approach to care.

Next-Generation Nursing

Season Two — Episode 06

Cyrus Batheja’s perspective on breaking down barriers in health care – specifically housing – is grounded in his own lived experience.

Housing as a Determinant of Health

Season Two — Episode 04

Nikki Greenaway, an NP and expert on women’s health, educates us about Black maternal health disparities and how nurses can address them.

Medical MacGyver

Season Two — Episode 03

Nurse researcher Jasmine Travers kicks off our season with a discussion of the big issues holding us back from achieving health equity.

Diversity, Disparities, Determinants, Oh My!

Season Two — Episode 01

Nurse educator, entrepreneur, and mom Renee Davis shares her first experience with a hackathon and why it was so worth her time.

Hackathons Revisited — From the Perspective of a First-Timer

8 min read

You don’t have to be tech-savvy to join a hackathon–you just have to be passionate about problem-solving.

What the Heck is a Hackathon?


More patients are embracing alternative therapies–but holistic care might also help nurses cope with the job’s challenges.

Mind, Body, Behavior — What the Rise of Holistic Health Means for Nursing

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