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Nursing as a profession and discipline is poised to nurse the nation to move beyond the neutered conversations and polarization that has been manufactured to separate us.”

Monica McLemore, PHD, MPH, RN



Like blood in our veins, racism pervades healthcare.

It pushes some people’s pain, voices, and bodies aside. It distorts care and kills people faster, but it continues to be an invisible risk factor.

Too many continue to deny or look past this reality — that this system meant to heal is causing harm. But some fearless nurses are saying it’s time to get to work.

Address human suffering. Advocate for the voiceless. This is where nursing began.

But to heal, it will take everyone standing up and speaking out. Health justice, after all, is everybody’s work.


Nurses and patients of color are having a different experience in healthcare, in nursing school, and at the bedside than their white counterparts. Learn more about these issues and how to make a difference.

Biased nursing school cultures impede not only the academic success of nurses of color but also their well-being and psychological safety.

The values that nurses are meant to exemplify get lost in biased and discriminatory workplace cultures, threatening the integrity of the profession as we know it.

In the pursuit of racial healing, associations have had to reckon with their own pasts, uncovering contributions to nursing’s ills.


It takes all of our voices to make a difference. #StartYourShift

Treating people with dignity is essential to equitable care for Dr. Anna Valdez.

Seeing patients’ humanity, regardless of struggles seen and unseen, makes a world of difference in a healthcare landscape full of injustices. Her own experiences have shown her exactly the kind of work that should be done to heal racism’s harms in nursing.

Check out this and more extended footage at the link in bio.

#StartYourShift #EverybodysWork #EverybodysWorkFilm #MyShiftMatters @drannamvaldez

Dr. Monica McLemore said it best — the work of ensuring equal and equitable care and treatment is everybody’s work. It’s on all of us to acknowledge and actively work to heal racism’s harms in healthcare, so everyone is treated with the dignity and respect they deserve.

Ready to #StartYourShift? Head to the link in our bio for info on how to host a screening and create change in your communities.
#EverybodysWork #EverybodysWorkFilm #MyShiftMatters

Sixty years after the Civil Rights Act, we remember the Black nurses who fought for justice and equality. Pioneers like Mary Mahoney paved the way, even as they faced systemic barriers. Their legacy challenges us to continue advocating for a more equitable healthcare system.

#EverybodysWork #EverybodysWorkFilm

Care demands visibility. To properly care for a patient is to personalize care to who they are — even the parts that people “don’t see.”

Meet Dr. Ernest J. Grant, whose nursing career spans 30 years. He knows that providing effective and equitable care means seeing and understanding the cultural nuances and histories of each patient, and to not see any part of a person prevents that.

Learn from Dr. Grant and the rest of our fearless subjects in #EverybodysWorkFilm. Learn how to host a screening at the link in our bio.
#StartYourShift #EverybodysWork #MyShiftMatters

There is power in knowing your history, and that’s something that Dr. Lucinda Canty attests to personally and professionally.

Learning that both her grandmother and great-grandmother were enslaved informs her work to address Black maternal health by giving Black women back the autonomy and control of their bodies that were lost. It is her ancestors’ stories that give her the strength to pursue her work for health justice.

Check out extended footage like this on our YouTube or sign up to host a screening on EverybodysWork.com.

#StartYourShift #EverybodysWork #EverybodysWorkFilm #MyShiftMatters


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